Friday, April 23, 2010

Angels in Attendance at 2010 Gala

Purple light splashes, dazzling smiles hug. Art, music and angels graced this year’s New York Theological Seminary’s Gala. DeMarco Morgan launched the event with a thunderous “God is good” and reflected on the importance of acknowledging and supporting the angels around us.

We are all angels to someone,” said Carla Harris who accepted her award with a spirited testament of the multiplier effect. “If you want to multiply your treasure, give it away. Your investment will grow through others and come back to you.”

Angels send messages from the Creator. The Greek word ‘Angelos’ means messenger;” said honoree The Very Rev. Donald Reilly. Reilly encouraged us to acknowledge the everyday angelos moments or people, places and events where God is.

I’m no Angel,” confessed Maria Elena Girone as she accepted her award. “I am surrounded by an army of Angels—my parents, my staff, and people who support and believe in me.” She reflected, no matter how small, you can make a difference.

Angels reach us through transformative leadership. That was the theme of Rev. Benjamin Shin who accepted the Urban Angel Award on behalf of The Council of Korean Churches of Greater New York. NYTS’ urban ministry reaches out to people all around the world.

Angels remind us to serve. Hilda Rodgers, accepting the award for Hazel Dukes reflected that Dukes has “lead her life to serve the nameless, faceless and underserved.” She then quoted Proverbs 29:23 In service we receive more than we give…

One of the high points of the evening was a video that underscored NYTS’ commitment to excellence through diversity and accessibility. Check it out:

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Peter Zehren is Vice President for Development and Insitutional Advancement at New York Theological Seminary.

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