Saturday, October 30, 2010

U.S. commission seeks diplomatic answer for sentenced Iranian pastor

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom requested that President Obama pressure Iran to release Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian. Pastor Nadarkhani is currently facing a death sentence.

The Northern Iranian pastor has been convicted of apostasy under Iran's militant Islamic regime. Reportedly, the government is pausing before executing Nadarkhanj in order to give the clergyman time to recant his confession of Jesus Christ. Nadarkhanj was taken into custody by the Iranian state in Oct. 2009, after he questioned the domination of Muslim religious instruction at the school his children were attending at the time.

The New York Theological Seminary is an institution dedicated to multiculturalism, diversity, religious tolerance and social justice. The mission of the seminary is to prepare men and women, from every background in life, for careers in ministry.

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