Saturday, September 25, 2010

Group brings 'Rock the Fort' Christian event to NC Army base

A Christian rally was held today at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, over the objections of national groups citing a violation of the separation of church and state.

The Ft. Bragg and XVIII Airborne Corps commander, Lt. Gen. Frank Helmick, reaffirmed the post's "Rock the Fort" event last week, though, and noted he does not believe the celebration infringes on anyone's freedoms. Lt. Gen. Helmick said he took steps to ensure that no soldier in his command was pressured to attend the event.

In addition, Lt. Gen. Helmick explained that he would provide the same opportunity to non-Christian religious groups seeking to hold similar events.

The New York Theological Seminary is an institution dedicated to religious tolerance, multiculturalism, diversity and social justice. The mission of the seminary is to prepare men and women, from every background, for careers in ministry.

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